CZ 452 for sale
The CZ 452 Ultra Lux is a beechwood version of the CZ Lux. The Ultra Lux has a 28” barrel for more precise shooting with the factory equipped CZ tangent sights.
CZ 452
The beechwood stock is offered on this model to bring our customers the same quality you expect from CZ 452 for sale at a lower price.
The military style tangent sights combined with the hooded ramped front sight is calibrated out to 300 meters.
CZ 452 ultra lux for sale
While the effectiveness of the .22LR is significantly diminished at 200 meters (about 219 yards), when a suitable range is available for testing, it’s fun to see just how accurately the sights are calibrated. cz452, cz 452 scout, cz 452 for sale, cz ultra lux, cz 452 american, cz 452 trainer, cz 452 ultra lux for sale, cz 452 american for sale, cz 452 grand finale, cz 453
10 rd magazine included
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